
Showing posts from September, 2011


XOXO Rest in peace Grandma. You are very loved and will be missed.


WAIT and WONDER It all started when I was 12 years old. That's when I got my period for the first time. Along with it came unbearable cramps. I was told that my sisters had bad cramps too, so I chalked it up to what a period was supposed to be like. It wasn't long before my dad would get a call once a month, every month, to come pick me up from school. When I was 16, I finally went to a doctor. He told me and my mom that he thought it was endometriosis . He put me on birth control pills to help regulate the symptoms. I remember going to a friend's birthday party and trying to explain to my guy friend that I wasn't on them because I was going to have sex, that it was medical. I was embarrassed, so I stopped taking them after a month. I endured the pain for the next 2 years with prescription pain killers since over-the-counter meds did nothing for me. When I was 18, I went back on birth control pills and left for college. And proceeded to try kind after kind after kind t