8 days later...

I am finally posting a new entry. My sister jdoc was here visiting, so I spent my time with her instead of writing. It was great to have her here with me, even if I did have to work for part of her visit. We spent some time in "The City" (as everyone calls it here) with her friends, which was great fun. Then she got to experience my life as a nanny in CT. Not as much fun, but better with her around. It is nice to have someone finally see what my life is like as a nanny far from home. I already miss her. Having her visit gave me something to look forward to, something to keep my mind off of my job. Now I need something new to count down to help pass my time until I leave, so do I have any takers for a visit to CT? Let me know. I know this is brief, but I need to go to bed. Not only was it an emotional day with having to say goodbye to my sister, it has also been a long day since I worked until 9:30 tonight (it was supposed be until 8 pm, but who's keeping track?). Buenos noches to all. I will write more soon.


Anonymous said…
Hopefully, you will have your parents coming to visit you. I want to see the city and what a better time to do it.
teacherwoman said…
cdoc, I would love to visit! will you still be there in August? I have my interview for the Masters/RT program tuesday and will find out if I am going back to school this summer. If I am, I would love to come and visit you in August! Or maybe I would have time between the end of this school year and summer school!?!Maybe I can get jdg to join me!
Anonymous said…
Wow! Look at all of the takers. They just want to experience the soggy dosa.

I miss you, too. Thanks for the wonderful time.
cdoc said…
Mdoc, it isn't hopefully, you are coming in September, no choice! And, yes, teacherwoman, I will still be here in August and you are more than welcome to come visit then! Just keep me posted and we will work something out. Jdoc, its all about the soggy dosa!
cdoc said…
Any other takers? Keep 'em coming!
teacherwoman said…
I can't guarantee coming...but I would love to! I might be playing piano in a wedding in August and MB and I might go to Europe as well...we'll see how that works out! Once, I figure out if I am going back to school!
I'd love to come but I am so broke. :) So, I shall virtually visit you. We shall commence reminiscing about my visit there... Remember when I came to CT? Wasn't that a good time? Especially when we went to the one place that one time. Wow, thanks for showing me around the city. It's amazing. End virtual reminiscing. :)
cdoc said…
If you can you can, if you can't, you can't. Just try teacherwoman:). And girlofapproval (goa), that one time we went to that one place was great:).

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