"The right technique"

Let me set the scene: Dinner time Thursday night. We all sit down to eat. Baby S2 is going to eat too. She eats cereal now, so the mother (L) is feeding her. If anyone knows what it is like to feed a normal, happy, energetic 5.5 month old, it is not an easy or clean task. Here is the conversation that took place: The father (P) "L, what are you doing? You are getting cereal everywhere, S2 is a mess"; L "If you think you can do better, you feed her"; P "It is all about the right technique". The right technique at this age? That doesn't exist. He cleans her face off and starts feeding her. Soon you hear, "S2, no, no, no. No spitting. Come on S2, you are getting it on my glasses. No, no, no, S2." The cereal is everywhere yet again. As we are eating, L and I are trying to hold back our laughter. L says "The right technique, huh, P?", caving into her laughter. P "She is too active right now"; Me "If you think she is active now, try feeding her in the morning when she is twice as active and happy, she is much messier and the cereal gets everywhere, including all over me." P "L, it is your turn, you clean her up so I can eat now." Lesson learned by P that night: when feeding a baby, or doing most anything with a baby, it is one mess you can't control.


Anonymous said…
Maybe Baby S could teach Father P a lesson in treating people right too. I bet she knows more about it than him given your last entry.
Anonymous said…
I'll be happy to teach everyone the right way to do everything when I'm there. It's the least I can do.
cdoc said…
Thanks jdoc, I am sure the family will appreciate it.
LOL at jdoc.

Well, the family kind of has the right technique down... they hired a nanny. :)

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