
There have a been a lot of changes lately. I moved 17ish hours away from my previous home. I started a new job with a philosophy that I wasn't so sure about. I left my family and friends that I had made at work and around town. It's hard. Having my sister here with me (and her doggies) certainly helps, but it doesn't make it any easier to leave loved ones.

Adding to the doubts and unease of leaving what and who I know behind, I hate my job. It isn't like hating a job because its boring or lacks challenge or I dislike someone (how I felt about my last job). This time the dislike comes from not believing in the philosophy and method of teaching at all. I don't like it. I read a lot about it before I came here. I had some concerns, but really wanted to see it in action before I formulated an opinion on it. I really hoped that it would be a school that loosely applied the methods I read about, because I did, and still do, see some benefits to it. Unfortunately, the preschool is strict, and I mean STRICT, Montessori. I know that most people can't say enough good things about a Montessori school. But I see how it benefits only a few kids and leaves so many children with fear, boredom and a serious lack of getting to be a child. And that is my biggest gripe above all, these poor children are being taught what it will be like to live in the real world, learning lessons such as washing a baby, how to host a tea party, how to open and close boxes and how to clean. They are 3 to 6 year olds! I get that they need to learn some responsibility and I am big on that. But let them be kids. In a world filled with children growing up too fast, why are we teaching them to grow up? I don't get it.

So, the job search starts again. That's right, one week in and I am already deciding that this job is not for me... nor do I feel it is for most children either. Could you teach something you absolutely don't believe in? I can't. So just another change to add to the load.

I'm not the only one with changes, our family seems to be drawn to them right now. My parents are hoping to very soon (as within months) move to Helena. My oldest sister's husband moved to Canada to pursue his PhD and they are now apart after 1 year of marriage (and their dogs aren't liking it so much either), all in the midst of hoping to start a family of their own ASAP. And my other sister got engaged and has a wedding to plan (a great change, but still stressful), and she started teaching prospective teachers this semester of her PhD, is in the process of selling her house and is moving in with her fiance and condensing two homes into one.

I do believe that in the end, we all made the right choice. Change is never easy. But great things can't come without them.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for this entry. It pretty much sums up how we are all feeling. All these changes were meant to be. I am proud of you for taking these steps and I am confident that the outcome for all of us will be great. I love you and everyone in our family and look forward to additions in the near future.
Mama Doc
jdoc said…
Amen, sister. Without trying to sound too much like Mama Doc here, I'm so proud of you. I'm 100% behind this new job search -- your integrity as a teacher matters more than a paycheck. I'm sending good vibes to all of us. We need some stiff drinks all around.

Change is good. In elections too. Hint hint.
teacherwoman said…
Sounds like a lot of changes going on within your life. I agree, I would have a hard time teaching something that I don't agree with. And your right, kids are being asked to grow up too fast these days, and greater expectations are put on them at such a young age. On a different, but similar note, I give a high five to any set of parents that hold their children back one more year before sending them to kindergarten. I have only seen positives of this. Let them play, let them grow, let them learn on their own... don't shove it down their throats at the age of 3!

Goodluck with the job search!
Hey Girl!

Good luck in the move. I must say you have guts... bravery that I never did. Kudos on the new job, too bad it didn't turn out like you hoped. Besk of luck in finding one that fits you.

Enjoy the views!
BDoc said…
I just saw this entry. Love. It. I am so proud of you too and can't wait for your new job to start. You sound so positive about it already! You go GIRL!

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