I hate John McCain. I hate him as much as I hate George W. Bush, and I didn't think I could ever hate anyone else as much as that!

What really put me over the edge, out of all the debates that made me shake with anger, was in tonight's debate. He said what may be the thing I hate the most. He called it the "pro-abortion" movement. THREE TIMES. Really? Wow.

Yes, because that is what I am. I'm pro-abortion. Yep. That's me. Me, who LOVES children. Why not abort them all? Go ahead. I'm a pro-abortionist. Go for it. REALLY?

I am pro-choice. There is a H-U-G-E difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice. I don't want there to be abortions. I don't want anyone to have unwanted pregnancies. I don't want anyone to have to choose between having a baby or aborting a fetus. I don't want anyone to be raped and have to choose to be pregnant for 9 months with something she hates or to abort it. I don't want a woman to struggle with feeding her children that she can't afford to feed already and have to choose to have another child or abort it. NO ONE wants abortions to happen. But it's not reality. They happen. And EVERY woman in ANY situation should have just that, the RIGHT TO CHOOSE!

I am NOT Pro-Abortion. I am a woman that is PRO-CHOICE! Don't EVER call me the former.


BDoc said…
Yes, I am "pro-abortion" then too. I would like to see more abortions so we don't have to worry about money for education. I LOVE abortions.

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