Nannying will always equal good stories

I'm once again a nanny. I know, it's not necessarily what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I enjoy it nonetheless and, not to sound conceited, I know I'm good at it, so what the hell. Right now it is starting off fairly easy, one 5 month old baby boy B who's pretty laid back, but loves to be held all day (that's kind of a new found joy of his). Then I'll add in another boy one afternoon a week starting next week, 10 month old D. Then there is 1 month old baby boy E that may start at the end of this month or next month sometime. And now there may possibly be a 13 month old girl G joining the mix (finally a girl!). And last, but certainly not least, my nephew will join the mix after he is born in March, probably not until June or so to be exact. So my good old relaxed days of one are about to fade (before you think I'm crazy, all but B will be part-time for now). But the more baby's I have, the more interesting stories I will have to share. Not that B doesn't provide me with some good ones all on his own.

Last Friday I was changing B's diaper. As many know, when a baby is a younger infant, it's not uncommon for them to pee when their diapers are off. The older they get, the less often it happens. In fact, B had only done it once with me before and that was when he was only 2 months old. I wasn't paying too much attention to what was going on. I usually will chat B up while I'm changing him, but he was quite content with his toy, so I wasn't disturbing him. I had already taken off the dirty diaper and was unfolding the clean diaper. I grabbed his feet about to lift his legs when he started to cry... really fricken hard.

I'm not sure the absolute order of events at this point, it all happened so fast, but it went something like this. B was peeing... in his own face. When he started to cry, it went straight into his mouth. Once I noticed what was happening, I pulled his already soaked shirt over his, well, "wee-wee". B started to gag from pee in his mouth, so I sat him up a bit so he could cough it out and grabbed a spit up rag to wipe out his mouth. The poor thing had no clue what was going on. As well as getting it in his mouth, he got it in his eyes and up his nose, ouch. I then, as quickly as possible, wiped off his face with the rag, squeezing his nose a bit to try to get the fluid out and wiping downward at his eyes so he could hopefully open them. Then I used a wet wipe to scrub his face clean of pee. Through it all, he was crying so hard he couldn't breathe, that really hard cry that babies usually only do when they are hurt or really scared. I had tears in my eyes because I felt so bad for him.

Again, the order of events are all a blur, but I quickly pulled off his shirt, threw on a clean diaper and picked him up to soothe him. Keep in mind, all of the above happened in what I would guess was less that 2 minutes. All I wanted to do was hold him as quickly as possible to comfort the poor thing. When he finally stopped crying after what seemed like 10 minutes and after rubbing his own nose and eyes excessively, he looked at me calmly, then sneezed in my face. If he was going to have pee in his face, I may as well too. Not long after, he spit up a bunch, so I think he successfully expelled all of the pee that got into his nose and mouth. I then told him, "Sorry B, but this is one of the stories your mom and dad are going to use someday to embarrass you with teenager girls." Nannying will never leave me without a good story to tell.

And to end with another funny thing from a child, a quote from one of my favorite 4 year olds, P. "Mom, I like saying the word asphalt because I can say the word ass without getting in trouble." Brilliant.


BDoc said…
Oh that poor Mr. Bojangles. That reminds me to register for a pee-blocker.
I shared your story with a co-worker and she laugh and laughed. She has three young boys of her own, so it was very funny to her. :o) It just sounds gross to me.

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