I suck!

I suck at this blogging business. I think about it often and I even have notes written down about what I want to blog about since I no longer have a computer at home. But it never amounts to anything but thinking. Maybe it's time this blog came to an end, it's not like anyone checks it anymore. Yet, I'll keep it up in hopes that one day I will feel really inspired and start blogging a lot more often. So keep checking periodically, I may surprise you one day!

In the meantime, check out my sweet nephew's blog, Sweet Baby Grey. It will entertain you until my consistent return.


Anonymous said…
I check it everyday dearie! Glad to see something on here:) I like to know what is going on in your life...especially since we are both so good with the phone...hehehe. Miss you!
I check it. :P Hope to see you write again.

How about this... we help each other keep up with blogging. I've stopped myself. So, let's make a goal of once a week. I'll keep an eye on yours and you keep an eye on mine. Deal?
cdoc said…
GOA- I don't know if I can swing once a week since I typically only get on the computer if all the kiddos are napping, and then sometimes I only have 5 minutes. How about 2x a month? I think I could swing that.
jdoc said…
Why don't you try blogging a letter of the alphabet each day. It's amazing what you think of to write about.
cdoc said…
Jdoc, it's funny you say that because that's what I just got on here to start.

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