Where did the year go? I can't believe it's already October. I feel like I just started taking care of the kiddos at my apartment and that I just took photos of them in their Halloween costumes. I feel like it was just yesterday when I attended two of the kiddos 1st birthday parties, now they're about to turn 2! My best friend in Helena moved away almost a year ago. My grandma already passed a month ago, wasn't that just last week? Sam will be ONE in 3 short months! Last year at this time we were getting psyched for our trip to Sayulita, Mexico. Seriously, how is this year already almost over? And where am I with my life? Same place I was a year ago... nothing new accomplished, still single. Sigh... oh well, maybe next year.


jdoc said…
What do you mean you have accomplished nothing? You are a doting auntie and amazing caregiver. Don't try to tell Sam, Greysen, Bennett, Parker, Emerson, and Dylan or their parents or the other families you care for that you accomplished nothing.
cdoc said…
I did accomplish some things, you're right. I should have clarified that I didn't accomplish any of my personal goals, but I am close, like getting out of debt. My greatest accomplishment of all is being an auntie, I love it more than anything.
BDoc said…
Cdoc, someday I'm going to make a list of all the things you've accomplished this year. I can think of a few right now as I type this, teaching Greysen manners - to say 'scue me (excuse me), da doo (thank you), and peas (please). Was just marveling over the manners this kid has and I had virtually nothing to do with it. You've taught Greysen AND ME so many things this year. Thank you.

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