All you need is love?
This is a question people have asked for a long time. Is it true? Is love all we really need? I think it would depend on who you ask. When it comes to young children, love is all you need. You know your parents love you and spend time with you, that is what is most important to a child. You don't understand the importance of money or work or health, all that matters is love. Maybe that is what is so appealing about childhood, why we would all do anything to go back, because we were innocent and love really was what made the world go round. As an adult, I now see things differently. Love isn't all there is, we need so much more. Some would say that makes me cynnical, but I am not. I want to believe that love is all we need and for the most part I agree with that statement, however I see that there is a lot more that goes along with love. As a parent, your role is not only to love, but to protect, comfort, support, provide, but common sense says that those things automatically go...