I haven't slept much lately. There is just so much on my mind. 

My breakup is on my mind. It's been 2 months and we are friends and have been spending time together outside of work. And the longer we are separated, the more I know that we shouldn't be together, and the more I know how much I love him and miss him. It's complicated and confusing. 

My aunt was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, my dad's sister. That side of the family just hasn't had a good past few years with loss. I am remaining hopeful that she will beat this, I don't think any of us can handle another loss in our family. 

My boss is leaving at work. She got promoted and it is great for her and I really like her replacement, but she is the best boss I've ever had. And she's my friend. And I am just not ready for her to go. 

My insurance doesn't cover either of my doctors, so now I am trying to find a new internal med doctor, who in turn will refer me to my current ob/gyn. Because god knows that after 20 years of going to doctors for endometriosis, there isn't a chance in hell that I will find another ob/gyn when I finally have a good one and one that believes me!

And then my other health issues, allergies, pain, bloating, headaches, anxiety, insomnia... I need to sleep. I want sleep. Yet, I'm not sleeping. 


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