Moving On

I am moving. Moving is incredibly exciting and incredibly overwhelming for me. I love the thrill, I love the change, but I hate the packing. I can't get myself to ever pack until the last minute, then I scramble to get it all done and get very little sleep. I would like to say that someday I will break this cycle, but I don't know if I would believe myself if I said that. I know this is the anxiety taking hold, I don't know where to start and I can't do it all at once, so I do nothing. I hate it, yet I expect it, so I know it will be this way. Oh well. I am who I am. 

I am also ready to make so many other changes in my life. I pretty much demanded a promotion at work for next year. I am emotionally mostly over my breakup, which is huge. I am going to my doctor's appointments and making new ones. I am ready to start eating healthier when I have a kitchen in a week. I am feeling good about the upcoming changes. I am ready. 

I get stir crazy every so often, I think that is my gypsy soul. 


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