
He's moved on. Less than 5 months later, he has moved on. The thing is, I think I would be okay with it and I think I would be happy for him, if I just didn't have to see it. But I don't really have a choice in that, because he moved on with someone from work. And I hate that. I am happy that he found someone that makes him happy. I just can't watch it. It's always the one that does the breaking of hearts that moves on first, I know that and I am trying to move on... but I just... I just hate that he doesn't seem to miss me. That is actually what I hate the most of it all. That he doesn't seem to care I am not in his life anymore. Not even the being with him, I didn't want that anymore, but... I just want to be missed. But I am not being missed. And that is the only part that hurts. So, in the mean time, I am listening to a lot of self help blogs and trying online dating again, and between all those things, I might, just might, get over the rejection. Because I am over the relationship, but the rejection is a whole different story. 


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