Alone Time

Yesterday the head of the store had a status check in with all of his leaders. It was also a time for him to get to know us as he is new to our store. He asked me, "if I gave you a paid day off tomorrow, what would you do?" And I didn't hesitate to say, "Probably nothing. Just sit at home alone." He seemed a little shocked by that. "Nothing? Nothing at all?" I found myself skewing my answer a bit, "Or hang out with my niece and nephew." 

Why is it people think alone time is tragic and sad? Why is it seen as not normal? For me, it seems not normal to not have alone time. I love my alone time. I crave it. I'd say 90% of the time, I'd rather be alone than doing anything with anyone. Why is this so frowned upon in our culture? It seems to me, if you can't love your own company, how can you expect others to love your company?

But because of this, I do struggle with the idea of being in a relationship again. One day, I think I want the companionship, the next day, I think I could stay alone forever. Even if I am in a relationship, I need them to understand and not take offense to the fact that I will want to be left alone… a lot. 

I won't feel bad about needing alone time. We all do. It's just some of us have an easier time admitting it. 


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