Meet my best friends, they are famous!

I am lonely. I am not depressed or sad about it, I am just stating a fact. And I am not looking for sympathy, it was just something that needed to be said. I realize how lonely I am when my computer and the television are my confidants, my views to the outside world. While watching the Golden Globes, Sandra Oh just won and I was so happy for her that it felt like my best friend just won an award. I am lonely in different ways. I am lonely for my family. I am lonely for my friends. I am lonely for a relationship. My family is so far away, so there isn't much I can do about that. The only friends I have here are my employer (when I want to get away with a friend, she is not an option) and my friend from photography school (who is still two states away). It has been so long since I have been in a relationship, I am not sure what it even is, so I certainly don't know how to find someone acceptable. When it comes to meeting people here, friends or otherwise, I am not sure how to do it. I used to have this built-in way of meeting people, it was called school. No one told me how hard it would be when I was a "grown-up" in the "real world". I am going to join the YMCA, but since working out with strangers is something that makes me more shy than anything, this is not the best option for meeting people. I also want to take a class, either dance, art or Spanish, I am not sure which I would enjoy most yet. This seems like a great way to meet people, yet the idea of taking a class that seems so much like school freaks me out since I really didn't enjoy school (with the exception of photography school), so I am still unsure. Until I figure out how to master the art of meeting people, for now I will enjoy the company of my computer and the television, with my best friends from LOST, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls and ER (among others).


Anonymous said…
Great job! You said it all. You need to go out there and meet some new people. I miss you too.
teacherwoman said…
I here what you say about making friends after college. You are not the only one that has realized that. It is very hard to make friends at work with other teachers, especially when they are from another generation, and the ones that are my age aren't really people I want to spend a lot of time with outside of work. I think the best thing for me meeting other people was(is) working retail partime and taking classes at the gym. Even if I only see them at work or the gym, it is a way of getting out and socializing. I think you are on the right track with finding some extra-curricular activities into your schedule! It's hard not having your best friend around, especially when they know you better than most! I miss you!
Anonymous said…
Proud. Of. You. Cdoc. I know you'll meet people and the loneliness won't be so oppressive. But until then, tell Patrick Dempsey (Grey's Anatomy) hello from me. And call me every 5 mins if you want ... I miss you too. And I heart you even more.
Anonymous said…
Hey always have family here....I read your blog everyday! We all miss you back in ND!!

cdoc said…
Thanks for the kind words, I miss you all too. And bdoc, you know I may have the chance to tell Patrick Dempsey hello from you for real, being he is a friend of the family and wants the father I work for to work for him:). I will keep you all posted on what I join/what classes I take and if I meet any new people.

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