Mmm Montana

I saw Brokeback Mountain last night. First let me say what a wonderful love story and an amazing movie it is. If you have seen the movie, you have seen the beautiful scenery. It made me realize how much I love the mountains. I always thought of myself as an ocean girl, but now I think I am equally a mountain girl and need to find a place with both. I have always loved the mountains, my sister has lived in Montana for a long time, but it wasn't until this summer that my heart went to them. I don't know if it was the experience, or the people I was with or just that I lived in them for 3 months, but I love them more than ever. I was just in Montana over Christmas, but I already want to go back and be among the mountains. The music they played in the movie was Montana music, at least what I think Montana music is. With the music and the scenery, I would forget that I was watching a movie. And for a moment, I was there, lost in the montains, back in Montana. Mmm mountains... Mmm Montana.


Anonymous said…
They must need nannies there too! And teachers, for that matter. Let's make the move!
cdoc said…
Wouldn't it be nice to have all three of us in one place? We should really do it.
cdoc said…
Except you just bought a house, so that idea wouldn't work so much. Oh well.
Anonymous said…
COME ON IN THE WATER'S WARM.... really, there's enough room in this Big Sky for all of us _docs. Well, maybe not ALLLLL of us.

Great entry Cass. The mountains speak to my ever-loving adventurous soul every day. I feel lucky.
cdoc said…
There is enough room for sister docs and parents doc though! Wouldn't it be great for all of us to live so close to each other once again?

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