Six Degrees

I am sure most everyone has heard of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (aka Six Degrees of Seperation). I realized today that I have only 6 degrees between me and a multi-billionaire. It goes from my supervisor, to my manager, to the director, to the managing director, to the head of HR, to the President and CEO of the company I work for (HUGE company). Then I realized how much cooler it is that I only have 2 degrees of seperation between me and the people at PEOPLE Magazine and numerous other famous people (an instructor at my photography to the said people), she works as a photographer for the magazine, hence photographs famous people. But the coolest is that I also have only two degrees of seperation from 2 of the most famous photographers ever. My lighting instructor at my photography school to Annie Leibovitz, he was her photography assistant; and better yet, the owner, head and instructor of my photography school to the Ansel Adams, he was also a photography assistant to Adams. So really, you can say everything I know about photography I learned from Ansel Adams, because he taught the owner everything he knows. So now my question is to you, how many degrees do you have to Kevin Bacon (or to someone just as cool)?


Anonymous said…
I have one degree of separation to Bill Schenk voted one of PEOPLE'S hottest bachelors ... which means you are 2 degress of separation from him. I can hear him talking in the office next door. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Ooops, I forgot to sign that one ....
Anonymous said…
I know Russ who is a first cousin to Josh Duhamel.
Anonymous said…
Um. Dad. You've been withholding an important piece of information there. I don't really want to hang out with Josh, per se, but Fergie and I could be best friends for sure.

Rondell White and I go to the same physical therapy place. And Dave knows the guy who owns Summit Brewery.

Yep. That's all I've got.
teacherwoman said…
I got nothin'....that I know of.

DId you get any good pics from this weekend??

Have fun with Deja...and feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or concerns!

It was great seeing you again!
I know my Congressmen and I know me. And I'm cooler than anyone else! :o) Or so I like to delusion. :)

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