Anxiety is a bitch.

I have been dealing pretty well with my anxiety. Or at least in my head I am. Then reality hits. I meant to take a yoga class on Wednesday, but I didn't go. I know a lot of people have problems with not wanting to exercise, I only wish it was that simple. Most people don't almost have panic attacks just thinking about going. I do.

I have been reading a book about controlling anxiety. It is crazy how much of my behaviors can be explained just by being diagnosed with this disease (that is what it is, I bet you are all jealous that you don't have two diseases like I do!). Procrastination for instance. To know me is to know I am the queen of procrastination. It made so much sense when reading the chapter about procrastination. I could have sworn that it was written about me. I figured out that there are reasons I procrastinate. I put things off because of fear of failure, fear of being overwhelmed, fear of being controlled by someone else, but the big ones, the big reasons I think I procrastinate are fear of success and fear of imperfection. Fear of success, what if I do so well that they expect more of me next time and I can't do it. That rings so true in all of my artistic pursuits. Fear of imperfection, the book says that this is the case if your motto is, "If some thing's worth doing, it's worth doing perfectly." That is what I have always said. Ask my family or old roommates about cleaning my bedroom, that is the line I always give. Perfectionism makes it so once I start the task, I can't stop doing it, it has to be done all at once, until it is perfect. So I avoid the task all together.

Then there is saying no. I can't tell people no. I say yes to things I don't want to do, then get so anxious and upset about it because I really didn't want to do it. And when I do say no, I have to give excuses, even if they are lies. The anxiety makes it hard for me to simply say "No." Why? I am worried what people will think of me, that they will think I am selfish, lazy, incompetent. I am worried I will hurt someone's feelings. Those are things everyone might worry about. But is bigger than that for me. I worry, "If I say no, she won't want to be friends with me anymore"; "If I say no, they won't ask me to babysit again when I would like to"; "If I say no, my boss will think I can't handle my job".

Those are just two of things I need to work on. Along with so many other things that come along with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Panic, Arachnophobia and possible Agoraphobia (all things I was diagnosed with). There is the anger, the "What if" syndrome, the hard time making friends, only a few things that come along with this bitch of a disease I am dealing with.


Anonymous said…
You have come a long ways in the last few weeks and are continuing to progress. You will get through all this. There are many things that you are a perfectionist at, that just comes naturally for you. Your love for children, your friends and family. We will all be there to help you and support you.
Love Mdoc
teacherwoman said…
I have been friends with you since 8th grade, and I may not know you as well as some others, but I do know you. And I have seen all of this. I am glad you posted about this, this is a huge step. You are one of my few friends who can love and love unconditionally, remember that. You mean well in everything you do and sometimes you are harder on yourself than necessary. I couldn't ask for a better person to be friends with, someone who knows me probably better than I know myself! As your mother stated... I support you and will be there for you whenever you need anything. Take care of yourself. Despite the anxiety and everything else, please try to focus on your strengths and the positives! you have so much to offer! Anyone would be blessed to have you in their life! I know I am!
Anonymous said…
See-star - why do you think I call you that? Cuz you are a Star in my constellation - one of the brightest and most prominent. I'm proud you're there and wouldn't change one single thing about you - even the messy room. I know its been a struggle for you but if you apply your perfectionism to getting to know and love yourself like I do, you won't EVER be disappointed by what you find. The journey makes all the difference. Love you SS.
Holly said…
I wish you the best of luck on your path with this disease. I have faith that you will come out of this a stronger person than you already are, than you've always been. You'll be an even better person for addressing these problems and making changes. If you need to talk, you have plenty of people who would drop anything to listen, myself included - don't ever forget that.
Hon, while you struggle to accomplish all those little things, look at what you have done... I could never do what you did, run off to photography school in Montana and make everlasting friends, live on the other side of the country and take care of someone else's kids, and excel at it.

So, when you're trying to take those smaller steps of getting something done, such as homework, house work, or work in general, know that you've tackled much bigger projects than your messy room.

Find strength in yourself and your diagnosis. But don't let yourself become a diagnosis or one part of you over take the rest of you.

Remember, we're your friends and we'll hold your hand all the way, even if we can only do it virtually.

Also, remember that sometimes drugs are your friends. Medicine is okay. Try it out.

Remember that regarfless of what you have or what you are... you're okay. You're still here on this earth, you have a job, you have a family who loves beyond belief, and friends who want nothing by the best for you. So, you're okay. Strive for okay. It's the best place to be when being too far up or too far down is too hard.
cdoc said…
I realize everyday how blessed I am to have family and friends like you in my life. Everytime I need a hand, you are all there. Makes me want to cry happy tears.

Although I use the blog mostly to vent my frustrations, I am making great progress. I am on medication and I see a therapist every other week.

Everytime others bring up what I have done since high school, I sound so accomplished and strong. I am trying hard to believe that.

Thanks everyone. I love you all.

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