Kid Nation

I just finished watching the premiere of "Kid Nation". Loved it. A good laugh, a good cry and good feeling at the end of the show. I understand the controversy behind it, I really do. 40 kids thrown into a world of independence, with only other kids to take care of them, working, cooking, sleeping on the floor. No adults. I get the problems with it. But I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised. It will show how stong and responsible kids really are, I have always said that people don't give kids enough credit. They may even be better at being adults than adults are. As Anjay said on the show, "Adults have done nothing good with the world." Well put. If you love kids as much as I do, you will love this show.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like a good concept for yet another "reality" show. I'll look to you for updates as I probably still won't watch it.

I did meet Scooter, the reigning champ from last season's Beauty and The Geek last night. The "reality" is that he's not a geek by any stretch.
changapeluda said…
i have been watching this show with my 2 yr old. he digs it.

the beauty pageant queen ( i think she's 8 or 9)

reminds me So Much of my daughter (15) who doesn't do dishes either.

i don't know if it's the editing but i am very impressed with her ability to take constructive criticism - in the form of unruly kids shouting "deal with it!"
sure she cries but in the end she has listened & is willing to do what she's gotta do.

she's become my role model.

hi, i've come here via the fabulous Girl of Approval.
Not engaged. Just picked out rings.

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