
I made the decision a couple months ago to put myself out there. I joined a free dating website. I started the conversations with guys I was interested in. I asked the guys out that I was getting along with. I went on 3 dates with one guy and talked to him almost everyday for a month.

It was going great. I really liked him, he seemed to like me. I was happy. And he really did like me... as a friend. Here's the thing, he expressed interest in going out more than once, he kissed me. He told me that he was trying really hard to feel the spark because I was so nice and sweet and he wanted to feel it. He said that he really enjoys hanging out with me because we get along so well and he thinks we could be good friends. So cliche... except I really think he means it all. Every feeling pointed to him enjoying my company. And I think I will be friends with him because I get along with him so well. In time.

I was pretty upset, crying a lot. I finally calmed down enough, so I told my parents. My Dad was sweet, said he was sorry. My Mom gave me advice about getting back out there (which I will sooner than later). After that conversation had ended, my phone rang a few minutes later. It was my Mom again. She called to tell me that after we got off the phone, my Dad said, "That fucker doesn't know what he's missing."

Well put Dad. And it is true, I would make a great girlfriend. And I will find a guy that thinks so too.


teacherwoman said…
In due time...right?

P.S. Your Dad is ABSOLUTELY right!
BDoc said…
You forgot to report that I did the obligatory swearing too. Like Father like Daughter ....

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