Reader's Request

I emailed my sister today and she said I should post it to my blog. So here it is:

"I went on a diet today... a sugar diet. I went CRAZY. Honestly, almost all I have had to eat today is sugar. Candy for breakfast, cookies for lunch, cookies for a snack. SOMEBODY STOP ME!!! I am shaky from all the sugar. I don't know what my deal is...well, I know what my deal is, but I need to stop. I did the math, I can only be sad for a week and a half according to Sex and the City. But I don't want to be sad that long, so by the time I come home, it will be done. All done. I am not sure there was much spark on my end either. I know that sounds like a hindsight comment. But even after the first kiss, I wasn't feeling all giddy like I should have. I chocked it up to my anxiety, but I don't think it was. I need to learn when my gut is telling me how I feel and when it is anxiety. I will have to talk to my counselor about that the next time."


BDoc said…
You should have entitled this blog: My Response To The Dump. And then you should have ended it with, so SUCK IT JESUS. That's my new favorite - sure to secure my everlasting life in hell.

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