Roommate Roller Coaster

I'm frustrated with my roommate situation. I knew when moving in with a 20 year old female there would be some challenges, but we got along great and enjoyed each other's company and neither of us like to do dishes, so I thought everything else would work itself out. Wrong.

Since living with her, well, let's see. It started out well. If she got drunk somewhere, she wouldn't come home because she knew how much I don't like taking care of drunk people (occasionally is fine, but not all the fricken time). In fact, she really brought me out of my shell. All the people she hangs out with and hence, I started to hang out with, are younger, aging 17 (yes, still in high school) to almost 24. Who cares though, right? I mean, the oldest age people guess me at anyway is 22, so I fit right in. There were some adventures that made me feel alive, like driving down to Bozeman in a convertible with the top down in October, so it was a bit cold, but so much fun. There was a bonfire (the first one was a success, the second, not so much) where we looked at the stars and danced by the fire. There were the 2 times I actually drank and I slept in my roommie's bed with her one time, and the other we each slept on a couch falling asleep to a movie (can't remember which one, I was drunk). Her friends enjoyed my company, as I did theirs. In fact, seeing some of them even made my day, like when the sweet 17 yr old guy saw me one day after work, goes, "Ah, that just made my day, give me a hug", meaning seeing me made his day, always nice to hear. My roommie's mom accepted me right in, inviting me to her house for dinner, taking us to a movie, doing my laundry. And even with my frustrations, I will still cherish all of those things and memories.

Then there is the in between, the things that started out good, but eventually start to get annoying. And that is, well, the boy situation. I don't know what it is, but almost all her guy friends have or had crushes on me (5 of them to be exact). Which is flattering on one the hand, but annoying when some of the them never give up. How many times can you tell a guy you don't want to date him, yet he still keeps asking. Really, GIVE UP ALREADY! Trust me when I say, he is so not my type. And because I gave him some hugs on a really bad night, he still thinks there's hope. Hugs do not equal, "I'm in love with you, please keep pursuing me even though I say no." And there is the one boy I could like but is way too young, 10 yrs younger to be exact. It's best when he stays away because he is so fricken hot and that can only cause trouble.

But then there are the parts that make me frustrated, and sometimes even angry. They are all young and stupid. They all will drink and drive, often at the same time. It's to the point that they call me mom because I constantly have to tell them, "Don't do anything stupid, stay out of trouble." I'm pretty sure trouble follows them... or they always know just where to find it. There's the night my roommate wrecked her mom's car while drunk. And since then, it's all gone down hill. Two weeks after that when I was heading out to the bonfire gone wrong to be the designated driver, she fell and hit her head on the tail end of a pickup (while, of course, really drunk) before I was even out there. That was 2 days before Thanksgiving and my night of hell. I can laugh about some of it now, but the bad highlights are I had to call an ambulance because she was losing so much blood and stopped breathing at one point; I got breathalyzed for the first time in my life (which I obviously blew a zero); I had to spend almost 2 hrs with the cop and a guy I barely knew taking them to the scene while driving horrible roads and then helping put out the bonfire; then I went to the hospital and had to convince my roommie to get staples in her head while she was screaming obscenities at the doctor and nurse to the point that they kicked her out of the ER for being difficult; then I had to deal with her friend (the boy that never gives up) passing out twice at the sight of blood; then I took her home angry as all hell at 3am, screaming, trying to walk herself to jail (she got a minor in consumption) and getting us a noise complaint. All and all, I got 1 hour of sleep that whole night. It was hell. Since then, there have been more angry, drunken nights, getting woke up almost every night from her screaming (twice last night). She has let 2 of her friends stay on our couches (one being the guy that never gives up, so I can never get him to go away) and while I've told them at the beginning they had 10 days and gave them a week warning a week and 2 days ago, they are still there. So I get to deal with 3 drunk dumbasses, messes, and am constantly worried I'll get in trouble.

So those things were "the straw that broke the camels back" so to speak. My roommate decided to move out at the end of this month. I'm relieved. She is either moving to WA or moving into an apartment with the 2 dumbasses on our couches. She needs to get help, she's depressed and I'm not her babysitter. I love her and will probably stay friends with her and most of her friends, but it's time for her to go. And on the bright side, I'm getting a male roommate (I get along better with guys anyway), I'll have less drama to to deal with and he works at a movie store and can rent FREE movies for me, couldn't be more perfect:).

So that's been my life, all in 3 months. Oh the drama. Like my friend says when talking about the young guys, "are you sure you're not quoting lines from a romance novel?" With all that has happened the past 3 months, I could write a novel, it certainly would keep people entertained. Even with the bad, it kept me entertained. Yet, I have no regrets. It was one hell of an adventure, and a fun one at times. But I'm ready to get off the roommate roller coaster.


BDoc said…
Does JDoc know that she shares a name with your new roomy?
Anonymous said…
This is so interesting. I love reading books, but this is much better. Love MamaDoc/Oma
You have too much drama for me. :o)

Hope the new roomie works out better. Keep us posted.
cdoc said…
GOA: things are going much better. The guy roommate is working out, he's in his room playing video games and watching movies 95% of the time and when he comes out, he makes meals for both of us and we chat. My ex-roommate and I are now much better friends that we aren't living together. She got rid of her dumbass, freeloading friends all together and was forced to quit drinking when she found out she was pregnant, so now we hang out with no drama and just enjoy each other's company, it's fantastic. It all worked out for the best.
teacherwoman said…
Catching up with your blog here. There must not be an RSS Feed because it does not show up on my blogroll when you post a new post...

Anyway, the roommate situation sounds horrible. Glad to hear you are going with a male this time.. that's what I did, and even though he has his moments, they are mild in comparison and you can confront him without hurting feelings.

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