I was looking at a list of O words online. That may be cheating, but I really could not think of anything for O. This word seemed appropriate for something that has been in my thoughts a lot lately.

Ombrophobia: the fear of rain.

I think that is a fear many in my hometown are feeling. It saddens me that so many are losing their homes to the raising water. I really do wish I was there to help with this battle, help sandbag night and day as so many are. This statistic I read was mind-boggling to me: to fight the flood of the Red River in the spring, they used 500,000 sand bags. To fight the flood of the Missouri in Bismarck, they need an estimated 8,000,000 sand bags. Really gives an idea of how bad it really is. And all the rain we are having here in MT and now suddenly really warm temps are only going to make things worse downstream. I think if I lived in Bismarck right now I would definitely be an obrophobic.


jdoc said…
Wow. This makes me so sad.

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