I am on a mission, a quest really, to find a guy to date. I believe in the idea that it happens when it's supposed to happen, it happens when you're not looking or when you least expect it. I think those all can be true. But I also believe that sometimes you have to make the leap, take the steps towards finding someone, have some initiative if you want your life to change. Things don't always happen when you sit on your ass and do nothing.
So I am now searching on two free online websites. I'm not willing to pay, it works for some, but seems strange to me... plus I can't afford it. I have used one of the free sites for years and found some good guys on there, so I trust it. But it just seemed like nothing was happening. So I signed up for a second site and suddenly both sites are having a lot of action for me (not that kind, get your head out of the gutter). I'm finding interesting guys to write to (I am writing to anyone of interest, the worst that happens is they don't write back) and some interesting ones are writing to me.
Yet it doesn't cease to astound me how some guys think they can peak a girl's interest. Calling me sweetie or hunny when I don't know you doesn't make me swoon. It actual irritates the hell out of me. If you know a person, whether as friends or family or have been dating someone for a bit, those nicknames don't necessarily bother me. But when you don't know me, have never met me, have not said more than a couple words to me, don't call me that. It makes me feel like I'm 7 years old. It makes it seem like I'm somehow inferior to you as a woman. Yes, those few little words do that.
Also, don't call me hot based on some terrible profile photos I have posted online. Maybe I am hot, but don't make that your opening line. Flattering, maybe, but doesn't make me swoon either. Beautiful may make me swoon a little, but not if it's the very first words of your very first email. It's so generic and I am sure you say it to every girl you email.
Last, this may sound stuck up on my part, but when every single word you write is spelled wrong or is grammatically incorrect, or you use text message slang in your profile or no punctuation or capitalization, it's actually a turn off. Unless, of course, you state very clearly that you suck at any of the said things, it can be a little endearing. I don't expect you to be perfect at all those things, I am not perfect at those things, but at least make it look like you put some effort into it. I mean, at the very least, use spellcheck. We live in a computer age for pete's sake!
Anyway, those are the annoyances I've had with online dating, but I have talked to some very nice guys, went on one (unsuccessful) date and have been asked out on another for next weekend. So stay tuned, this quest may lead me to my treasure yet.