I have had a shitty day, so I am taking this opportunity to bitch. A million things have gone wrong, such as the little girl (let's call her S) was sick today, at least in the morning. She stayed home from school, which threw off my day. Then the dog poops and pees on the most expensive carpet in the house, so I had to clean that up. The baby (S2) is spitting up like crazy, but I am starting to think it is no longer spit-up since some of it is projectile. Then S decides she want to go to school at 11 am and I talked to her mom and she said it was okay. The teacher is not happy about it when we get there, saying she should come to school no later than 10 am. Then I get home, feed S2, who won't eat and is crying like crazy. Then the teacher calls saying S has no lunch. I tell the teacher that S ate at home, so she didn't need lunch. But S is so hungry, so the teacher takes food out of the snack box and tells me that this will never happen again. Then I decided to be nice and do a load of the families laundry. It is a front loading washer, so it needs less soap. I put in too much and it almost spills out, so I have to scoop it out with my hands into the sink. But out of all those things, what I am most pissed off about is this weather! It is in the 50's here, all the snow is melting, we had torrential downpour last night and I swear that I saw some new grass coming up. WTF, people!!! And you listen to the radio and people are talking about it when we are out and about and they are so happy. It is JANUARY people, not spring time! Can we say global warming?!?! Is everyone here living under rocks and thinks global warming doesn't exist like President Shithead (aka Bush)?!?! They love that it is so warm. Well, they will love the warmth when they can enjoy near tropical weather while living in Alaska (which will be about the size of Connecticut by then after the water temps rise, causing all the ice to melt and flooding all of the coastlines). People will no longer be able to live near the equator because they will burn up and everyone will live in North Dakota (since New York City, Seattle and Los Angeles will be gone) with the tropical climate and only 300 miles to the coastlines. People need to open their eyes, stop enjoying this warm weather and do something before its too late! On the brighter note, at least S2 is still smiling.
No Snow Means Wrecked Winter for Some (talks about ND)
Frog Deaths Tied to Warmer Earth
No Snow Means Wrecked Winter for Some (talks about ND)
Frog Deaths Tied to Warmer Earth
Good luck for today. I hope S and S2 are feeling better.