
The weather around here the past couple days has been terrible. Yesterday I had to drive through flooding roads to pick up S from day-camp. If I had the option, I would have picked her up late, but that would mean paying more money. I drove 20 mph most of the way to avoid getting the car too wet from the puddles and also so I could see because the rain was coming down so hard and fast. However, I think I got some water under the hood. At least, that is my guess for what happened this morning. After dropping S off at day-camp this morning (which means I already drove the car, which started up just fine), the car wouldn't start. I had been inside for 10 minutes. I tried several times, then called P (the father). He said he was going to call someone to come help or come get us himself. He couldn't get a hold of the other person, so he said he would come, after his meeting. Two and a half hours later, he shows up. It was too late, I had already taken matters into my own hands. Try being stuck for that long with a crawling, tired 9-month-old with no food and no diapers. She didn't want to be held, but the floors were too dirty to crawl on in the building. She had a poopy diaper, but no diapers to change her except for swim diapers from the front desk. She hadn't eaten since the night before, so she was cranky. No fun. So, I asked a woman if she had jumper cables and she did. We went out to the car. Turns out neither of us had ever jumped a car before. We took out the car manual and figured it out. And when the car finally started, we were both very proud of our accomplishment. By the time P showed up, the car was running. He checked it, then left. He drove 30 minutes just to turn around and go back. I learned a few lessons from this: one, always bring diapers and a snack no matter how fast or short of a trip you think you are making; two, always have jumper cables in the car; and three, don't wait for a man to do the job, when strong women are present, they will get the job done.


teacherwoman said…
Hahaha! Well said!
Oh, I have learned the art of jumping a car. Holly's car didn't want to start for a week one winter... each morning I had to get up and jump her car. I also read the manual to figure things out. Good job though. But can you change a tire? I can't. :(

I always enjoy my independence. :) Part of the reason I liked being with Andrew, I was independent. I still did all the things I do without him.
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