Offer to stay

Well, it has happened, I was officially asked to stay for another year. I didn't even realize it was happening at first. The way I was asked was by the mother asking me if I thought about what I wanted to do the next year. It took me a second to understand what she meant. She told me that they would love for me to stay, but understands if I don't. She said that they would offer me another raise, but she knows its not about the money. And its not at all. She told me that she understands that I am having a hard time being away from family and she wants me to do what is best for me. Later that day, the father also let me know he wanted me to stay. He said that he wasn't trying to pressue me, but if I stayed, he would consider having another child (he has always only wanted two). He said he won't go through what he did with other nannies and he wants me to stay. I was honest with them, at least for the most part. The part I wasn't honest about was that I have already made my decision. I did tell them that my sister wants me to live with her and that I really want to. I did tell them that it is a hard decision to make because I have fell head-over-heals in love with their girls. I have been with the Baby S since she was one month old, for every milestone. I have made it through the hard part with S and am enjoying her most of the time. I told them I would let them know by the end of the summer what my decision would be (he requested that as soon as possible would be great). The dishonest part was that I know what I am going to do. That I know that no matter how hard it is going to be to leave the girls, I need to go. I need to be where I am happy. I need my family and my friends. I need more opportunities. I need to follow my heart. If all those things were here or if I could take the family to all those thigns, I would work at this job until the girls left for college. But alas, it can't work that way. Home is where your heart is, and my heart is back in the Midwest. And I don't like saying that because I always wanted to get away from there (not from my family though). Now I am longing to go back. At least now I know how to bring up the subject of me leaving, before I wasn't sure how I would do it. Now I can just say I thought about it and decided to move on. Yeah, that will be so simple.


Anonymous said…
Do what you feel is right. You can't please everyone, but the most important person to think about now is you....only you know what'll be best for you. Sure, everyone gets attached to others. But those girls will grow up knowing that you were there for them and they will remember you for your unselfishness for the time you spent with them. You always have family.....
cdoc said…
Thanks Heidi, that means a lot.
Anonymous said…
Maybe you could leverage this against your landlord to pay less rent... oh oops, your landlord is my other sister. Forget I said that ... tee hee.
You did get away from the Midwest, even if it was only for a short time (in the scope of a lifetime) but you went on a grand adventure. You are following your dreams in every way... you went to college and majored in something you care about, then you went to photography school, something else you care about. Then, you became a nanny in the Northeast, to try something new... something risky.

Usually, it's not the region we wish to escape... it's who we are in that region that we wish to rid ourselves of... and you're a different person than when you left, right?

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