Air travel hell

If you pay much attention to the news, you may have heard about the heat wave in the Northeast that caused a transformer to blow causing a power outage at LaGuardia Airport in NYC. And thanks to this unfortunate news, I was trapped in Chicago for 2 days. I will spare everyone the details because it would make this my longest entry ever, however if you would really like to here the drama, make your requests. And a drama it was; when one man heard my travel story at the airport, he called it "The Terminal 2". The whole time, all I could think of was that it was something you would see in a movie or on a soap opera, not something that happens in real life. But, finally, I am back. On the plus side of everything, I got to unexpectedly see my sister in Minneapolis, which was nice. And I got to spend time with the rest of my family, which was great. And the wedding I photographed was a breeze, the couple was great and I really enjoyed taking photos for them. And well more bad happened to me this weekend than good, seeing my family and getting to do what I love outweighs the bad. Some tips for all for your future air travel experience, travel with a change of clothes and toiletries in your carry-on bag and don't fly American Airlines.


Anonymous said…
Good post - I'm glad we didn't hear the litany of cancelations and mishaps and instead got some good advice ;-)

Too bad you weren't still "stuck" in MT.
teacherwoman said…
Good idea Cdoc. I think I could say the same about Northwest. The last two times I traveled, there were "problems". Not as extreme as yours. But the last time I traveled, I could have used an extra change of clothes and a few bathroom toiletries in my carry-on....swearing I will do it whenever I travel now!
cdoc said…
Northwest were saints for me this weekend.
Fly Hawaiian Airlines. ;) I used to work for them.

Sorry to hear about all the bad things. But yea for family and doing what you love. I would like the details if you don't mind.

Anonymous said…
Oh good GOD Cdoc - you poor thing! Thank you so much for being my photographer - I couldn't ask for anyone better.
teacherwoman said…
Okay, now I read your email. Goodness gracious...atleast you are back in CT, safe and sound.

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