Job Number 2

I worked my first three days at my new job. It's a lot of busy work, often on my feet all day, but the day goes by fast. In fact, the first day I simply forgot to take my break. I like the people I work with and it is a really laid back work environment. And today I got hired for another job. It is working with kids in the evenings at a center while their parents take classes or exercise. It isn't too many hours, but there is room for more and it will be a great place to work. Even with the two jobs, I will still need to supplement them with babysitting to make ends meet. But at least I have more income coming in, that is all that matters. And both jobs offer a lot of room for growth, so that is important. I start my new job next Friday night. Long days, so I will be exhausted. But that is what you do when you are broke.


teacherwoman said…
Congrats on getting another job! Sounds like you will be quite busy! I hope you don't wear yourself out with this jobs! You have to have time for yourself!
Rock on, super chick. You can keep it up for a while. Look how much you were working out East.

Hope you're doing well!
teacherwoman said…
Hey, got a call today from a place you applied to... I didn't know you used me as a reference! Good luck!
cdoc said…
Sorry, forgot to ask you. I had to have three former co-workers and I only have yours and Carols numbers out of everyone I worked with, hope that's okay. Oh, and that is the second job I got. She hired me, then was going to call my refrences

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