I got a job!

I finally got a job! It was a job I applied for on December 6th, which just proves that no one really was hiring over the holidays. Turns out all the books and websites I read on the subject were right when they said the holidays are the worst time of the year to find a job. The job isn't anything spectacular, but it will be fun and it is for a store I love, which means 20% discount now, 30% in 3 months and 40% in 6 months, gotta love that... of course, only after I actually have enough money to buy even a stick of gum. It is part time, which means I have to find another part time job to make ends meet, but I am okay with that. Why do I need a life anyway? I can work a lot now, save up money, and have a life in a year or so:). All that matters at this point is that I have a job. And may I say, it is about fricken time!


teacherwoman said…
Congrats, CDoc!!! I am so excited for you! Where are you working at?? I am curious! Please share!

.... by the way.. can I get your address, for the bachelorette party invites??
Are you working at Target?! :)

Contrats on your job. That's awesome news. Though, I do agree with your sister... you should have been writing more blogs during your down time. I have nothing to read anymore. :P :)
Anonymous said…
AMEN SISTA!!! Shout out to the sis for getting a job. But now that you're going to be working your hiney off, start blogging, k?
cdoc said…
Sorry, but I don't want to answer personal questions on here. If you want to know those things, email me. But no, it isn't Target, but it would be great, wouldn't it:)?

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