
Update: My wallet was found with everything still in it. It was behind the printer at work. It may never be known how it got there and it was found after canceling my bank accounts and credit cards, but nevertheless, it was found.

I am not sure what to do about work. My boss makes my anxiety worse. She asks me all the time if I am okay. She tells me not to stress, to take it one day at a time, to just relax. That just makes it worse. She is just hard to handle.

So today after a stressful situation, new paperwork implemented, I was left confused as usual after my boss explains things. I was talking it through with my co-workers after she left. I was trying to understand something and me and one of the elderly ladies were understanding things differently. My co-worker is really stressed because she is about to have her second knee replacement (the same knee, the first replacement came loose) and she is trying to get as much done as possible at work because she will be gone for 7 weeks. She snapped at me telling me she didn't want to deal with it right now and to go ask our boss to explain things. She knows I get confused when my boss explains things.

And then I had a breakdown. Just a mini-one. I walked away without saying a word, started to cry and had to leave the room and go to the bathroom for about 15 minutes. I came back when my eyes dried, I turned on my iPod, and went back to work. Said nothing for about 1 1/2 hours. Then it was lunch. That same co-worker said "Come here." She gave me a bear hug. And that was that. Everything was back to normal.

I just don't know how to deal with my boss. The breakdown wasn't about my co-worker. It was about how stressed and anxious I get whenever my boss is around. I hate it. I think I need to talk to her about it, but it will hurt her feelings. She cares a lot and means well.

I will just see what happens.


Anonymous said…
Keep a smile on your face and your chin up.
Mdoc and Ddoc
BDoc said…
Hey Cass. Let's talk about this sometime. I might have suggestions - none as good as Mdoc and Ddoc, but suggestions, nonethelss. Having a plan is half the battle ;-)

(I almost wrote "half the babble" - which is equally appropriate.)
Perhaps you should just make her laugh with silliness when she is near you, and then she will walk away shaking her head while completely forgetting what she was going to say. :o)

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