Boyfriend as a little boy

I spent last night getting acquainted with my boyfriend's parents. I got to hear stories about when he was young and how he mastered his fine motor skills long before he mastered his larger motor skills. My favorite story was about him in kindegarten. His birthday is in October and they started him in kindegarten right before he turned 6, which was too late for him. His mom said he was always bored because he was too smart. One day he came home and was upset. His mom asked why. He said, "I'm bored." His mom asked him why he was bored and he said, "Because I don't even know what 100+100 is!" His mom asked him what 100+100 is and he exclaimed, "200, but I haven't learned that yet!"


teacherwoman said…
that's a cute story! :)
Cute. I want to meet this wonder boy. At least send me a picture!
BDoc said…
That is pretty cute! I spent the weekend hearing little Hubs stories too. My fave was that when someone would walk out of the room he would exclaim, "LARA, YARYOOO?" Translation: "Lara, where are you?"

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