Dylan was the last of my kiddos to be added to the mix. He hasn't been here too long and he only comes part time, so I feel like I'm just starting to really know him. At almost 17 months old, he is definitely one of my most energetic. All the kids love him, especially Greysen who watches his every move and Bennett who copies everything Dylan does.

Probably my favorite thing about Dylan is that he's a copier. Sometimes he copies actions and sometimes words, but he always gets sounds down-pat. And not just sounds humans make, sounds animals make. Like when Ellie (my parents' dog) whines, Dylan whines. When Ellie barks, Dylan barks. Once when I babysat, his cat came out to taunt him. He had been scratched pretty bad that day by her, so when the cat came near, Dylan hissed at her. Clearly what he had heard when he was being attacked by the cat hours before. It was hilarious.

He's been a nice addition to our crew.


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