Mother duties

When I applied for this job, I remember applying to be a nanny, not a mother. As if the 62+ waking hours I spend with the kids each week (as opposed to the 36 waking hours their parents spend with them) wasn't enough to qualify me as a mother of sorts, now I am with them every waking moment, as well as every sleeping moment for that matter. I know I agreed to this, but it doesn't make me any less crabby about it. Especially since I slept very little last night. I got S to sleep by herself, but not without tears being shed (by her, not me... although if she wouldn't have gone to sleep, I would have). She missed her parents, understandably. Baby S woke up twice in the middle of the night; the first time I was too tired to get up, so instead I laid there listening to her cry. She only cried for about 10 minutes at a time for about 45-60 minutes. She would take about 10 minute breaks in between, starting to fall asleep and then realizing she didn't want to and then crying again. The second time she woke up was 5 am and I was going to actually give her a bottle, even though I promised myself I wouldn't. But a 1 year old can only go about 10-12 hours at night without feedings and she had already gone 10 at that point. But I went in, gave her some medicine because she is teething, gave her the pacifier, and she went right back to sleep. It may have only been twice, but that didn't keep me from waking up from every little noise all night long. I was worried S would wake up and be scared and miss her parents and I would sleep right through it, so I couldn't really sleep. So today I am exhausted. Why do I have to care so much? Only 2 more nights before the grandmother will be here and will take care of the nighttime, I can't wait. Turns out she is now staying for 11 days/10 nights instead of the 6 days/5 nights as previously planned. I am cool with that, although that means less money for me. I could really use the extra money... but after last night, I am thinking I may not care by the time she gets here. On a brighter note, only 1 more sleep until my parents will be here!


Yea for the Doc parents!!! :)

Sorry to hear it's so rough. Money is nothing compared to your sanity and your mental health. So, say f-money and get some rest and some mental relaxation. Believe me, I know nothing compares to mental health and stability. :)

Say hi to the doc parents for me. Also, since grandma likes you, try con her into giving you presents or money. ;)
teacherwoman said…
Hopefully you will get a good nights' rest this evening! I will be thinking about you!
cdoc said…
No good nights rest. Baby S didn't wake up once all night, but S woke up at 2:50 am and was awake until 4:15 am, she said she couldn't sleep. I did everything short of climbing into bed with her to get her to fall asleep. I was going to cave and let her sleep on my bedroom floor, but when I went to tell her that, she was finally asleep. I am SO tired, I lost 2 hours of sleep because of this. Grr.
Drug them. A little cough syrup never hurt anyone. :)
cdoc said…
They both have colds, so I gave them both medicine before going to sleep, so we can only cross our fingers:).
teacherwoman said…
I hope your time with your parents was wonderful!!!

I can't wait until you come back to ND!!

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