I took a break from blogging because my parents were here. It was nice to see them and also to show them around the wonderful city of New York. We only spent two days in the city, but I think we hit the most touristy places, all of which I have seen before but it had been a long time, so it was nice to see them again. One thing I hadn't seen before was Ground Zero. There isn't really much to see, just a big hole in the ground that is filled with big machinery and a construction crew, with fence surrounding it. There was also the old church with damaged headstones dating back to the early 1700s, the fire station Ladder Co. 10 with its memorial and messages written all over the place, including this one. And this wasn't the only one like this, it was one of many. Instead of sadness, I felt more anger when I was there, and not on my part. I felt other's anger. I read other's anger. And why shouldn't they be? The sadness was there too. I can't say I was happy to go, I don't know if it is something that needs to be seen. I saw and felt the pain on television, being there this long after didn't remind me of anything or bring much emotion out in me at all. It has clearly become something to commercialize and make money off of in the city, you can see that with all the street vendors. That is probably why I have lived here for 11 months and been to the city several times, but never went. But my parents wanted to see it, so I went. I was sad to see my parents go, but I will leave here in 52 sleeps. On a brighter note, I bought a car! I will post pictures of it later today.


I really didn't feel much when the attacks first happened. I never felt anger. We are not the only country to have faced terrorism. In fact, we were probably one of the later countries to see it hit in modern times.

Killing more people because they killed some people doesn't make sense to me. You just wind up with more dead people. That's not some place I'd want to see.

I want to see people! :) I am in love with people this week. We'll see what happens next week.

P.S. Show the car, show the car!!! :)
Anonymous said…

I don't really have a comment so much as a request. Can we reconnect? I don't have your e-mail or anything, but found this blog through a link on AB's blog. I've been catching up on your life all evening. Can you somehow send me your e-mail, or get mine from AB? I'd love to chat! ~Vicky
cdoc said…
v.v, I emailed you! Nice to hear from you!

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