Snow globe

I went to our new Super Target on Friday night. I was so excited, it is so close to our house. As I was going through the store, I noticed that across from all of the Halloween decorations, the Christmas decoratoins were up. Now, don't get me wrong. I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday, and not because of the religious aspect and not because of gifts (our family doesn't give gifts anymore), it just makes me excited like a little kid. But I was so annoyed. Stores now skip over two holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Before we know it, the decorations will be out at Easter just like in "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown".

I was going through the store, lost in a new place and all huffy about how retailers are ruining my Christmas experience. Then I came upon some snow globes. And I forgot what I was mad about. I love snow globes. There is something magical about them. They take me to a different world. I stood there with "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" playing, shaking all the globes and watching the snowmen being covered by the falling snow. My eyes were wide like a child's and I was smiling with my whole face. And just like that, I was no longer annoyed.

It may all sound stupid, that a small little ball filled with water and a fake world that plays music can take me away from it all, it should only do that for kids, right? But it works on me everytime. So that will be my collection. I have always wanted to something to collect. And snow globes are it. Not just Christmas ones, all kinds. And when I have a place of my own, I will fill a room with my magical world, where I can walk in and be taken away from reality. And dance to the music as the snow falls on my shoulders. Just like I am inside them.


teacherwoman said…
I agree that it is rediculous how early they are bringing out christmas in the stores, but I must comment on how this is not new. Having worked retail the last 5 years, I noticed this and was disgusted as well. And, it's happen in a lot of stores. Yuck.
Holly said…
Beautiful post - it gave me goosebumps. It's wonderful to have something that can stop everything and bring some magic back.
Anonymous said…
This was a beautiful post CDoc. I had a vision of you standing in front of the globes and being mesmerized by them. You are one cute see-star.

And now I have to say, BAAAAH HUMBUG! How can you love Christmas so much and I despise it so much? I've become jaded in my old age, I guess. We'll be together though and that's what I enjoy. Love you.
jdoc said…
There's space on the mantel for a few snow globes. Pony would love that!
Perhaps you won't have to have seperate rooms in your house like we planned in high school, but will have separate worlds instead.

I hope you enjoy the snow falling and the shaking before hand. :) Have the structures inside the globes been tested for Earthquakes? I kid. Nice entry, girl

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