First off, let me say I love Emerson. I've been taking care of him since he was 2 months old and next week he'll be 8 months. He is getting cuter all the time and has the perfect little cue ball head. He's started clapping today when I say "YAY!", which I love. He has the cutest little personality... when he's happy.
That's the thing, Emerson is, as his own mother says, high maintenance. Actually, I think particular is a good word for him. He wants things when he wants them only in the way he wants them. And if his wishes aren't met, he well, cries. Sometimes a lot of the day and that really hard cry like someone just pinched him (no, I didn't pinch him, I swear). To be honest, he's kind of like me in that sense. I cry when I'm sad, happy, mad, frustrated, excited, surprised... for every emotion really. Emerson is like that too. Lately, it's been because he's frustrated. He's decided that he wants to learn to crawl, sit up from laying down and pull himself to standing all 5 minutes ago. When he can't do so, he's pissed and thus cries. I won't pretend that it is always easy, the crying sometimes takes its toll on my nerves. The kids do better than me, they tend to just ignore him or don't even notice he's crying.
Thankfully, over the weekend he has learned to do 2 of the things he wants to know, sitting from laying down and crawling. And today he couldn't have been happier, hence the clapping at "YAY!" Just like every kid (and adult), he cries sometimes. But also like every kid (and some adults), he's also really happy a lot of the time and is so sweet. It takes days like today to remind me of that, and when I remember, I can't get enough of that kid.