Change of pace
Lately, the kiddos have been kind of, well, awful. Not all the time, but at the end of the day, bad enough to the point where some days I wished for a speedy career change. The cold and snow has brought out some very restless kids. And when parents come to pick them up, they've been throwing some epic temper tantrums and they feed off of each other. And the worst part is that they even tell me they are going to break the rules when parents come ("We will run when mama comes"). I was at my wits end.
So when I was told I couldn't be in my apartment tomorrow, I asked my parent's if we could be at their house for this 3 day work week (thanks Mom & Dad!). I was hoping the change of scenery would help all of us feel a little less restless, cranky and hopeless (that last one is probably just how I felt, not the kiddos). And it did. It was a great day. The kids followed all the rules with minimal reminders. We had maybe a quarter of the amount of timeouts that we usually have. I wasn't grumpy as I always seem to be at my apartment lately. There were new toys, new space, new music. We danced, we laughed, we played, we cuddled, we hugged, we had a great and fun day! And instead of the day dragging on and on as usual, it flew by. Today reminded me that I really do love my job, at least most of the time.
And I know I wasn't the only one that felt it was a great day. When B was picked up, he didn't want to go home. But not because he didn't want to leave his friends and toys as usual. Because he wanted to dance with me.