
This morning, right in front of my parents house, they were finishing up some road repairs. Which meant BEEEG trucks. So Greysen was in heaven. And who am I kidding, to him they aren't just BEEEG trucks anymore, he was watching an "excavator with backhoe," a "dump truck," and a "ment truck" (cement truck). It amazes me what this kid can say now, he just turned 20 months yesterday. He sat on the stool in complete awe for well over a half hour, only getting up to get his elephant, telling me, "Elephant see it too!" He later added in the lion and green car, also saying, "Lion see it too! Green car see it too!" And he made sure all of their eyes were facing the window so they could "see" the machines.

Once they finally left, Greysen got down, sat the elephant, lion and green car on the floor, bent down, looked at them and said, "I read books. I play with toys." Then he walked away. I'm pretty sure he was letting them know that they were done watching now, so he was going to go play with something else.

Every time he speaks, I am a bit in awe of that kid.


dw said…
I love how kids get into stuff like that. For us, it has been NASCAR (?) and dinosaurs. They just absorb stuff so well!
BDoc said…
I love this story! Did I tell you that when I asked him that night what he wanted for Christmas, he told me "excavator."
jdoc said…
Get that child an excavator!

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