I should keep a journal of things the kiddos say.

I could back track over my long weekend to catch up because I'm sure each day had stories to tell. But I won't, that's too much work.

But I will go back to yesterday with a few of my favorite quotes from the kiddos:

Greysen walked in the door and let me hold him for a moment (which he never lets me do, there are toys to be played with) and he said, "Cassie's back!" Sweet boy.

Bennett sat down in his time out spot and said time out. I asked, "Why are you putting yourself in a time out?" He responded, "I keep throwing toys."

Parker had finished eating applesauce at snack and I asked if she wanted some cookies (what I call animal crackers) or raisins next and she said raisins. I doubted this answer and asked her, "Are you sure you want raisins? Or do you want cookies?" She said raisins again. As I was pouring them on her tray, she said, "I don't want these."


jdoc said…
Is that Sandy? From Annie? I love that dog.
cdoc said…
That dog totally looks like Sandy! Maybe that's why I like him so much. It's my neighbor/landlord's dog, Chico. He's just a puppy and he ran up as I was taking the photo, which as you can see, the kids loved.

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