
When nap time hits at my apartment, I lay the kiddos down, but don't usually get a chance to sit down and relax until a half hour or so before nap time is typically over. I have a ton of dishes to do, then I eat lunch, often still standing because I'm doing other things at the same time, then I clean a bit, my apartment or the building's common area (for rent reduction, sweet deal). Sometimes I get to sit and Skype with Sam (and Jessie obviously, Sam can't turn on the computer... yet), which I love. But I never quite feel relaxed by the time one of the kiddos wake up.
But nap time hits at my parents' house, dishes are in the dishwasher, someone has made me lunch and there is no cleaning to do. And dare I say, I'm kind of bored after a couple hours of nothing to do. I know next week I will be wishing for this quiet time, but today, I wish one of them would wake up.