No Bah-Humbug

I was going to tell you all about my non-vacation in Florida, but it is a bunch of bah-humbug. It would be all about how the grandfather was really mean, how we almost never left the house, how I didn't see the beach when we were only 15 minutes from it, how I hated the lack of routine because I didn't know when I was supposed to be working or not, etc., etc., etc. But I am just not in that kind of mood, I am in great mood. It is Christmas time, I love this time of year! It really brings out the child in me. While everyone here is complaining about the cold and the snow, I love it. I can't wait until we have enough snow for me to play in! I love Christmas decorations, the town is beautiful with them up. I have them in my room and we have them all over the house. When I look at them, I get all giddy. I have a small Christmas snowglobe and when I turn it over, I get excited. I am heading to New York City this weekend to meet up with a good friend and see the Christmas decorations there, what could be better than that! I get to see my family soon, we are going to Chico Hot Springs in Pray, MT and I can't wait! I miss my family so much, so seeing them will be wonderful... and I love MT and can't wait to be there again! So while I was going to tell you about Florida, I am not going to because I don't want to be Scrooge, I want the child in me to stay out and be happy!


Anonymous said…
Am looking forward to spending time with the whole family at Chico. Have a great time in New York.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see your giddy self! And I wouldn't be the sister I am if I didn't point out that it doesn't take Christmas for you to act like a child.

Tee hee. That's so me to say that.
jm said…
Can't wait to see you cdoc! And you have a great attitude. Good for you. I hope you're enjoying NYC.
cdoc said…
You are right jdoc, it is so you to say that:)! And you are also right, I don't need Christmas to act like a child. I think everyone should act like a child sometimes, as long as it is at the right times! jm, I can't wait to see you too!

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