I am not a morning person. Don't get me wrong, I am able to get up early each morning, my job requires me to be ready to go every weekday morning at 6:30 am. I am able to function, talk and do what needs to be done. Even on the weekends, when I have luxury of sleeping in, I can't sleep later than 7:30-8:30 am on most occasions, even if I was up late the night before. I may be able to get up early, but I certainly don't have any energy. Regardless of that, I decided to go for a run this morning. This is only the second time I have actually exercised in the morning since I started seriously working out in February. Last time was when my sister was here and I barely ran at all for the 30 minutes I was on the treadmill. Today I made my hardest effort to run. I had to force myself to run for 5 minutes straight, which felt like torture. I couldn't do it and I ended up only running for 7 out of the 42 minutes I was out. Before this, I had worked myself up to running for 15-25 minutes straight out of 30 minutes everytime I went to run. That may not sound like a lot, but considering I have only been running outside 2-4 times a week for 3 weeks (and 6-7 of those days it rained, so I couldn't run) and I am now running on small hills as opposed to my flat treadmill, I am happy with my progress. Next week I am shooting for at least one day of 30 minutes of straight running. My lack of energy in the morning isn't the only reason I couldn't run. It is humid out (it did start to rain on me, so about 100% humidity I would say) and this makes it hard for me to breathe when I am walking, let alone running. And I made the mistake of doing Pilates 2 days in a row, after 2 days ago I did my longest run thus far. So my hips were already hurting from the long run and Pilates usually makes my hips sore, so just walking was a lot of pain. I either need to ease into Pilates or just do the ab one for the time being. So I learned my lesson, morning time is not the best time for me to exercise, nor is humid days or after doing too much Pilates. But I wasn't down on myself for not running much, I was happy that I was at least out doing something. I will possibly head out to run tonight, but tomorrow night for sure. And I really enjoyed the scenery and walked further than before. I walked past a golf course and just as a man was about to hit a ball, I had the strong urge to you yell out "FORE!". I didn't though, because it is not like me to do something like that. But then again, it is not like me to run either.


In this month of May, we are to do things that are not of our nature. This is the plan, which I instruct you to follow. :)

Besides, I would have shouted it for you if I had been there.
Anonymous said…
Do you remember when we "ran" the Race for the Cure together in MT? I think you "ran" 4 out of 40 mins. we were out the. Good, solid progress. Soon, you'll be running the marathon with jdoc and me!!!

Keep up the good work!

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