May is my month!

Yes, I had a bad day yesterday. And last week. And the week before that. And, in fact, for most days since I have been here. But I am still optimistic that this will be a good month. Why? Because Susan Miller says so. No, I am not one of those fanatic people that believes every word my horoscope says. But I do believe it to an extent and I do believe in the power of positive thinking. And if she says I am going to have a great month, I am going to believe it, because frankly, what do I have to lose? I can continue to think everyday will suck, or I can choose to believe her horoscope and I think we all know what the best choice is here. She says that this month will be, in her words, an extraordinary-for-Pisces month. She says that I will be extremely creative this month and will be able to pursue my dream job without much effort (I did get a call yesterday about a being a photographer's assistant for the summer without so much as lifting a finger). She said my finances will all fall into place. She said it will be a great month for travel and I am going to Oklahoma City at the end of May to visit a friend. She said it will be a wonderful month for romance, the best it has been in 2 years, which is great because I have been waiting for romance. In fact, she said the only other months that will be as "truly magnificent" as this month, possibly in my lifetime, are this coming November and December, and she is right there because I will moving to Minneapolis around that time to live with my sister and I can't think of anything better than that (except maybe living with my other sister too). So I have no reason but to believe her when she says this month will be great. She has some things right so far and I think she will be right all around. Because I am thinking positive for a change.


teacherwoman said…
Way to go Cassie! I love positive thinkers!! Sounds like a good month ahead of you!
Anonymous said…
If May is a good month for you, then every other month will be good too. Think positive.
Anonymous said…
WHAT AM I CHOPPED LIVER??? Okay, just kidding.

I am really glad to hear that you're "keeping your chin up and a smile on your face." Papa used to tell me that when I was going through some tough times. I think you'll see some positive changes when you see things in a positive light. Good for you.
cdoc said…
Hey, I said that the only other thing that would be as great as living with jdoc was living with you, bdoc!
May is also my month! :) We can share can't we?

I hope it goes just as she says... I think this weekend I shall get my palm read for fun. Never done it, always wanted to... hm... maybe I'm on to something! Doing things I've never tried.

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