Gas Prices

After filling up the Jeep Cherokee I unfortunately drive, I realized it was time to talk about gas prices. I paid $3.19 for unleaded, in total costing $53. I haven't complained yet, because, well, I don't really pay for my gas. At the most, I pay for half of it, but never for a full tank. But that doesn't stop the sticker shock I have whenever I see how much it costs to fill up the Jeep. Not as bad as the shock the person next to me had after paying $86 for filling up their Suburban (she kept repeating the total out loud to herself). With these gas prices, I wish, more than ever, that I could afford a Hybrid. Yes, they cost more to buy then regular cars, but tax credits are given. And don't forget that they get 30-60 mpg and are running about half the time on electricity, which means a person is using less gas. And at each fill, people are paying up to a 1/3 less. So even if you aren't an environmentalist like me, the lower costs in the long run is reason enough to buy one. If only I could afford one, sigh. And don't forget about all the other options coming out. Biodiesel, biofuel, fuel cell cars, all great stuff. Sister bdoc was just telling me today about a man she met last night that is converting people's cars to using biofuel and these smart people are paying only $1.10 per gallon! Envious? I am. With all these wonderful new ways of saving money when filling up and helping the environment at the same time, it is no wonder that the world is taking notice. And the smartest thing this country can do is jump on the bandwagon, not only will it save individuals money, it will save the US money in oil costs. Thank you to all the smart environmentalists that came up with these new ways of saving us money. Because money makes the world go 'round, right?


I want my car to run on French Fry oil! If I'm not supposed to eat them, I may as well get to smell them as I drive. Perhaps then they wouldn't be so tempting! :)

I would also like a hybrid, but alas I do not have the money for a car. However, I do drive a small car, chevy cavalier. And so I feel a bit better about that but then again, I have to drive a lot. I live well, far from everything else.

But cdoc, you are my environmental idol.
Anonymous said…
Hurry for the environmentalists! Maybe some day people will listen.
Anonymous said…
HAHAAHAHAHAAAAAA - inside joke ....

Another suggestions for avoiding gas prices is to drive less, ride bikes, walk, take a bus, carpool to work, etc. I would bet that if more people (like us environmentalists) started doing this, there would be no demand for oil and thus, less price gouging. Oil companies (aka "The Devil") know AMericans will pay a pretty penny to be able to drive their beloved SUVs (like yours) and get away with it because people "need gas." IT's really a sad cycle.

It's about time someone speaks up about the injustice of it!

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