Six days until I get a week off of work, I can't wait! The mother I work for is taking the kids to Florida for a week. She gave me the option of going with or taking the week off. Most people I tell say that I am crazy for not going with. I can see their point, an all expense paid trip to Florida and a week of being paid for minimal to no work, sounds like a great deal. I weighed my options, I could be sitting on the beach all day, watching the ocean, unlimited photographic opportunities or a week of no kids. As you can see, I made the right choice. I don't have to hear a single cry or bratty remark for 8 1/2 days. No lying, time outs, screaming, spit up, poopy diapers. No hearing the parents complain about how much the baby wakes up in the middle of the night even though they are at fault for feeding her each time. No hearing them complain how S is picking on Baby S, is being bratty and not listening when they are at fault for not disciplining. If I went with, sure it would be nice, but it would be far from relaxing because I would be there for all of that stuff and S wouldn't leave me alone and I would want to kick her. So when I weighed my options, I chose my sanity. I need a break. I deserve a break. Now I get to go visit a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, too long, and I am so looking forward to it. I get to go explore outside of Connecticut and the surrounding area, I am thinking Boston. I may even hang out with the one person I know here outside of the family without having to leave because I am too exhausted to hang out past 9 pm even on the weekends. It will be great. Only 5 days left of work before I get my reward. I can't wait!



You definitely made the right choice. I mean, there's such much to explore up there! New England offers a host of things commercialized Florida can't. Enjoy your time off and you do deserve that break.

Are you going to come visit me? ;)
cdoc said…
g.o.a., I would if the flights into ND weren't so fricken expensive!

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