Oh my god...
... all my shows are ending. What I am going to do now, get a life? Because that has worked so well for me these past 6 months. I wrote in a previous blog about how the people in my television shows are my friends and now they are leaving me for the summer. Tonight Gilmore Girls had its finale and I found myself crying at the end. Were they tears because of what happened? Or tears because I have to go 4 months without the show? How pathetic do I sound? But when you have nothing but your computer and television to feel connections to other humans, and the shows you love end, whether it is temporary or permanent (as it may be with most shows on the WB), it is sad. Only 4 shows left, then they, too, will leave me by the end of the month, and I will be lonely again at night. Sorry, I need a moment to hug my television...
Plus, if you're bored this spring/summer while your shows are taking a vacation...give me a call. I tell interesting stories or at least I tell stories. :)