Tick, tock, tick, tock

Things are getting harder. At least that is why I assume things are "bad" with the kids. It's just like what I do when I have to leave my family. I get angry. I pick fights. I know it is coming, so I try not to get angry, but I can't seem to help it. I guess it is my way of trying to make it easier to leave, although it doesn't work. I think that is what this is. The girls aren't being any worse than usual, but suddenly this week S has been on more time outs than she has in the past month and Baby S seems crabbier than ever. My guilt is building, I feel like I am abandoning them, especially Baby S. I am all she has ever known. And I can't stand the thought of someone new here to take my place in 4 days. I have to spend a week with her, watch her for a week taking over my job, having the girls love her and want her instead of me. And it seems torturous. I am still happier and as anxious as ever to get out of here, but I wish I could keep the baby as my own. But once again, they aren't mine. And I will get past this. The anxiety is building about all that I need to get done before I leave. I get so overwhelmed that I tend to do nothing, which only makes it seem like the list is growing. I haven't started to pack. I haven't even started to go through things. I haven't finished the girls' scrapbooks I meant to have done over a week ago; hell, I haven't even started Baby S'. It is creeping up so fast and I feel like I am drowning in my to do list.


Anonymous said…
I tend to feel overwhelmed by my to do list too. Just fly lady it. Work for fifteen minutes on something, anything. And you'll feel better. Take a five minute break and keep going if you can. You can do anything for fifteen minutes after all. Except hold your breath.
Anonymous said…
I tend to feel overwhelmed by my to do list too. Just fly lady it. Work for fifteen minutes on something, anything. And you'll feel better. Take a five minute break and keep going if you can. You can do anything for fifteen minutes after all. Except hold your breath.
Breathe and start something. Get done what is most important.
cdoc said…
I decided to add more to my list by accepting a babysitting job on Saturday night for another family. I love the little girl and I have wanted to babysit her for a long time. What can I say, I a glutton for punishment.
You are crazy. :P

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