Blah, blah, blah

I don't really have much to write about. Nothing is currently going on in my life. Sure, I made a big move, but I am also without a job or a life at the moment, so as soon as I get one of those, I will have more to write about. I came home to the parents' house for a week, excited to relax, explore the town (it has been almost a year since I have been here) and go through my old stuff. Instead it ended up being time to recover from this cold or whatever it is I have. Go figure I would get sick on the only time I have off to relax, seems to always work out that way. Next week will be some hardcore job searching. Not only do I need the money, I also want to work, otherwise I will get bored. I have been in touch with the new nanny, not suprising S is giving her a hard time and Baby S is calling her by my name, which is comforting in a way, means she still remembers me to some extent. I miss Baby S a lot, which is probably another sign it was time to leave, the longer I would have been there, the more attached I would have become. Another boring, pointless entry. Hopefully I will have something better to write about soon.


teacherwoman said…
You were in the Bis for a week and didn't even give me a call?!?! I am hurt...sniff, sniff.
cdoc said…
Are you here? Because I wasn't here over Thanksgiving, I got here late on Sunday night, the 26th.
teacherwoman said… bad. It sounded like you were saying that you "were" at home for a week...past tense... sorry!

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