Loving living with my sister.

Last night Jessie came downstairs to show me her toenail that is about to fall off. She was in the middle of writing a paper and decided it was something I needed to know. She ran a marathon in October and the toenail falling off is a consequence of it. And while most would be grossed out by this and wonder why it was important enough to come down a flight of very steep stairs, I enjoyed it. Not because it was something I really wanted to see, but because we can tell and show each other these things now that we are living together. Just another pro of living with her.


Anonymous said…
You are welcome to take a picture of it for the blog if you'd like. Readers might want to see it for themselves.
No, no, NO. No pictures of body parts falling off of the body. No! :)

I don't like it.

I don't know if it's really healthy to participate in an activity that makes parts of your body fall off. Anorexia makes your hair fall out and that's not safe either. ;P
Anonymous said…
MY TOENAIL IS ABOUT TO FALL OFF TOO!!! In fact, I already lost the same toenail on the other foot in Mexico in the pool when I showed Eliza and she thought it would be cool to rip it off (which is a form of torture in some countries I might add). It bled for awhile and I whined about it for far longer... Now I'm letting this one fall off at it's own pace and it's far less painful. Maybe our toenails will fall off while we're together for the holiday. AHHHHH, SWEEEEET.

I thought the word verification was appropriate today - OWZmcle - it's what I yelled when Eliza pulled my toenail off.
cdoc said…
Another good thing about living with my sister, she will kill spiders and their egg sacks (2 were on the bottom of my dresser) for me.
teacherwoman said…
I know I love living with my sister! Too bad it will be coming to an end in May. Sniff, sniff...

How is the job hunting coming?

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