Job Hunt

I have been online for at least 3-4 hours of the day for the past two days searching for jobs. And so far, no luck. I have applied to 4 childcare jobs online and I am going to make a couple phone calls before the day is over, but I just don't feel good about what I have come up with on my search. I know that I won't automatically find the job I love and want to spend the rest of my life doing, I know that I may need to take a just-for-now job until I find the right one. But I am not happy with the selection. More so, I am not happy with how this all makes me feel. I get so disappointed in myself whenever I am job hunting. And then I end up falling back to childcare because I know that I can do it and I know someone will hire me. And I am just not sure I want to do childcare. I want to do something in photography and I have applied to around 17 jobs in photography related fields and not even a bite. They all want someone with photography work experience, which I don't really have. In a year, I am considering going back to school for education, so I can teach kindergartners. But in order for me to be sure I want to do that, I want to spend time working with photography so I can figure out which career path is really best for me, which one is really what I want to do. And as it turns out, I may no longer even be qualified enough for my fall back job. According to some rule in Minnesota, I may not be qualified to work in childcare, which is by far what I have the most work experience in. It all makes me feel like all the school and training I have had doesn't amount to much. Funny how most jobs these days want someone with a college degree, which I have, yet the one thing that is making me not qualified for most jobs I am applying for is the lack of work experience. But I will keep pushing, keep applying, even though I don't know what I want to apply for or what I really want to do. Almost 26 years old, two degrees/certificates and still no idea what I want to do, still no idea what will make me happy. I might figure it out before I am 80, but I doubt it.


Anonymous said…
You need to be a little more optimistic. You will find a job. Give yourself a little bit of time. Good luck!
Love MDoc and DDoc
teacherwoman said…
It's the childcare/education field. They both are so focussed on having highly qualified teachers/employees/paras/etc. It's not just about's about meeting their qualifications. And if they are funded by the state or federal government, it can be even more extreme. Crazy. I know.

Don't worry, Cdoc. Something will come along. Just give it a little more time. Happy job hunting! I will be doing the same in a few months! I can't wait!
Anonymous said…
I KNOOOOOOW there's something out there for you. Can I help you be creative? Let's see - look at the newspaper for photography. You could try and get in the Outdoors section. Go visit them. Maybe you could consider a temp job until you can find something you'd really enjoy. Let's talk about this later. There are so many jobs that I had no clue even existed. Let's get creative - now I know you're good at that ;-)
Anonymous said…
I hope you have a job by now cuz you're certainly NOT BLOGGING!!

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